How To Play

Published by Galactic Games on

Solar Command is a tactical collectible card game (CCG). As a player, you will assume command of the interstellar forces of one of the rising powers in humanity’s young interstellar empire. The game is played in short sessions called matches, either against the computer or against online players. This page provides a short introduction on how to play the game. Armed with this knowledge, you should be able to crush your enemies with ease.

Your Objective

The goal of any match is to conquer the enemy player’s capital world. The capital world is the central command center for the enemy player’s forces, and conquering it will deal a mortal blow to their galactic ambitions. However, you must be sure to defend your capital world, as the enemy player is trying to achieve the same objective. Capital worlds are always placed on opposite sides of the battlefield at the start of a match.

This is your capital world. Guard it well.

Building Your Fleets

In order to conquer the enemy player’s capital world, you must build up your forces by constructing ships. Ship cards form the backbone of any good deck in Solar Command. We’ve provided starter decks for the three factions, each containing a variety of ships, from small scouts to mighty dreadnaughts. Once constructed, ships are free to move across the battlefield, expending speed points each turn as they do so. However, ships cost resources to construct, and an available shipyard. Your capital world grants you a modest budget for the most basic ships, and always has a shipyard at the ready. In order to construct more powerful ships, you must colonize new worlds. 

This is a typical ship card for the faction Archleon.

Expanding Your Empire

Along with ship cards, decks in Solar Command include planet cards. These represent worlds that you can exploit for resources. During a match, you may place one planet per turn. 

Planet cards come in several flavors. Colonies must be placed on individual hexes on the battlefield, and cannot be placed on adjacent hexes. In addition, a ship must be present to place a colony. Outposts must be placed on hexes with colonies, and up to three outposts can be placed on a single hex. Certain colonies are designated as unique colonies. These powerful colonies can change the tide of a match, but they cost resources to place, and must be placed in special zones on the battlefield. These planets maintain their own shipyards, and can construct ships to add to your fleet.

This is an example of a basic outpost. A basic colony has already been placed on another hex.

Fighting the Enemy

Once you have begun building your fleets and your empire, you must take the fight to the enemy to win. Ships on the battlefield can attack and destroy enemy ships. The amount of damage a ship inflicts on offense is called the ship’s power. Ships are destroyed when they run out of hit points

In addition, ships can be used to conquer planets under the enemy’s control. Conquering planets is a significant effort, as planets have defenses that must be overcome. A planet is conquered by its attacker once its defense value drops to zero. Once conquered, planets will begin generating resources for your empire, turning the tide of the war in your favor.

In this attack, the enemy ship will be destroyed, and the enemy planet will be conquered.

Winning a Match

Using your ships, you must attack the enemy capital world and bring down its defenses. The enemy will use their own ships to defend their empire. All ships deal half of their power in counterattack damage, taking a toll on fleets that excessively focus on offense. But with perseverance and superior strategy, you can eliminate the enemy’s ships before they eliminate your own, and take the fight to their capital world. Once the enemy capital world is conquered, you will win the match, securing victory for your faction.

Good luck, commander.

Categories: Gameplay